cultural relic 1.18   The once-a-year, two-week summer vacation is a cultural relic, he says.
  ancient relic 0.99   The khthons showed no interest in the ancient relic.
  holy relic 0.92   After canonization, the remains would become holy relics.
  sacred relic 0.92   There are treasure boxes made for sacred relics or jewels.
  religious relic 0.66   Fakers in previous days forged religious relics.
  historical relic 0.59   It was carved to resemble the Liberty Bell, an American historical relic.
  important relic 0.46   Sale of important relics is illegal.
  precious relic 0.46   The years have not ebbed its impact, nor is it a precious relic trapped in the amber of time.
  quaint relic 0.39   Today, the AFL-NFL war is a quaint relic.
  dusty relic 0.33   But last February the dusty legal relic was revived.
  expensive relic 0.33   Emmitt is an expensive relic from the glory days.
  old relic 0.33   National unity cannot be protected like an old relic that is believed to have a supernatural effect.
  stolen relic 0.33   The Xinhua News Agency said it was the largest haul of stolen relics authorities had ever discovered.
  archaeological relic 0.26   Many archaeological relics were retrieved from the site.
  archeological relic 0.26   Under Mexican law, archeological relics are national patrimony and property of the state.
  curious relic 0.26   He is not a curious relic.
  outdated relic 0.26   On its face, the alliance seems an outdated relic of the Cold War.
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