government regulator 15.14   Even government regulators get into the act.
  security regulator 14.15   Securities regulators do not usually comment on investigations.
  bank regulator 5.86   Bank regulators say that number could go much higher.
  industry regulator 4.21   Price cuts were proposed Monday by the industry regulator.
  market regulator 3.03   Financial market regulators have a tough job.
  safety regulator 1.97   But government safety regulators never required automakers to install them.
  competition regulator 1.58   Any deal must be approved by British competition regulators.
  energy regulator 1.45   Federal energy regulators have already approved the sale.
  air regulator 0.86   And air regulators clamp a tight lid on smoke emissions.
  telecommunication regulator 0.86   TAS is the national telecommunications regulator and sets network performance standards.
  growth regulator 0.79   But even growth regulators have drawbacks.
  aviation regulator 0.72   The FAA, as the principal aviation regulator, inspects and certifies all charter companies.
  monopoly regulator 0.59   European Union monopoly regulators would have to approve any deal.
  drug regulator 0.46   For national drug regulators, however, it is a headache.
  lottery regulator 0.46   Lottery regulators have ordered an investigation.
  thrift regulator 0.46   What the thrift regulators did, though, bordered on the perverse.
  casino regulator 0.39   A year later, casino regulators denied Hefner a license, forcing him to sell out to partner Elsinore Corp.
  telecom regulator 0.39   There was speculation earlier that a national telecom regulator would influence the conversion.
  health regulator 0.33   State health regulators said patient care was proceeding normally.
  pollution regulator 0.33   The documents are under investigation by state pollution regulators.
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