drug regimen 3.82   He now follows a simpler drug regimen.
  exercise regimen 2.76   And he increased his exercise regimen.
  treatment regimen 2.37   The virus has no vaccine or drug treatment regimens.
  workout regimen 2.37   Same workout regimen.
  fitness regimen 1.38   The fitness regimen is only half of the equation.
  offseason regimen 0.66   Consider, for example, his strenuous offseason training regimen.
  chemotherapy regimen 0.46   He was put on the most rigorous chemotherapy regimen he could bear.
  rehabilitation regimen 0.46   Doctors have determined Johnson is strong enough to begin an intensive rehabilitation regimen.
  practice regimen 0.39   A poor practice regimen hurt, too.
  health regimen 0.33   There seems to be one anomaly in his health regimen.
  inspection regimen 0.33   The FAA praised Delta for quickly alerting it to the problem and helping to design the inspection regimen.
  therapy regimen 0.33   To hear Greene describe it, it is the linchpin in his therapy regimen.
  work regimen 0.33   He seems to thrive on a grueling work regimen.
  combination regimen 0.26   Combination therapy regimens are arguably the most demanding of any in medicine.
  pill regimen 0.26   Kaplan agreed at first and attributed her pill regimen to stomach problems, pointing to the long, jagged surgical scar running down her stomach.
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