fumble recovery 5.00   It was his second fumble recovery of the game.
  market recovery 1.84   That, paradoxically, started a market recovery.
  year recovery 1.51   As a result, confidence is building for a recovery this year.
  disaster recovery 1.38   Such measures would also lower the expense of disaster recovery.
  world recovery 1.32   The world economic recovery boosted latex prices.
  business recovery 1.25   Nor are there many signs of an imminent business recovery.
  earnings recovery 0.79   Even so, analysts said, Unilever is well on the way to earnings recovery.
  industry recovery 0.66   Industry recovery will be slow.
  oil recovery 0.66   Such techniques already are being used in secondary oil recovery in Canada and Norway.
  profit recovery 0.66   That put a damper on the outlook for profit recovery.
  cost recovery 0.53   The commission steered away, however, from assuming authority over how to apportion such cost recovery.
  second-half recovery 0.53   And the vision of a second-half recovery will vanish in the mist.
  water recovery 0.53   Water recoveries.
  economy recovery 0.46   But signs of an economy recovery have accumulated in a slew of recent data.
  wolf recovery 0.46   The group also said the move could help bolster wolf recovery nationwide.
  datum recovery 0.39   Data recovery is really not that hard.
  price recovery 0.39   Any price recovery would be used to replenish these losses, he said.
  debt recovery 0.33   This is to enable these loans and the debt recovery programmes to be effectively managed.
  fourth-quarter recovery 0.33   The rebounding stock market was one important ingredient in the fourth-quarter recovery at Cantor, of course.
  miracle recovery 0.33   Even when no one else expects miracle recoveries, he does.
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