congressional recess 4.74   It may appear as if the congressional recess is a setback.
  brief recess 1.45   After Ocalan speaks, the court will most likely take a brief recess.
  dark recess 1.32   Black garbage bags choked dark recesses.
  weeklong recess 0.92   Talks were supposed to resume Wednesday after a weeklong recess.
  month-long recess 0.66   Congress is expected to take a month-long recess starting Friday.
  long recess 0.59   Long recesses in trials are common in Japan.
  deepest recess 0.53   I have spoken from the deepest recesses of my soul.
  parliamentary recess 0.46   The MP was taken into police custody on Wednesday during a parliamentary recess.
  week-long recess 0.46   After a week-long recess, the talks resumed Monday.
  so-called recess 0.39   Others raised the possibility of a so-called recess appointment by the White House.
  current recess 0.33   Ah, if only the House and Senate would keep the current recess going until the next century.
  afternoon recess 0.26   After an afternoon recess, the state was given a chance to respond briefly.
  deep recess 0.26   The answer is in the deep recesses of English legal tradition.
  early recess 0.26   Parliament took an early recess to give them time for the trip.
  inner recess 0.26   But the memory of struggle lingers in inner recesses of the southern heart.
  short recess 0.26   The three judges took a short recess after arguments.
  temporary recess 0.26   When the vote shifted unexpectedly, Republicans were unsure about what to do, so they called a temporary recess.
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