estrogen receptor 1.18   Tamoxifen works by blocking estrogen receptors in breast tissue.
  brain receptor 0.72   The new drug, made from the quinpirole molecule, acts on a brain receptor.
  cell receptor 0.66   Unlike current pain treatments, which stimulate cell receptors in the brain for endorphins, DREAM modulates pain directly.
  chemokine receptor 0.59   It was indeed a chemokine receptor.
  insulin receptor 0.59   Scientists already know the structure of the insulin receptor.
  dopamine receptor 0.46   They mimic the action of dopamine by stimulating dopamine receptors on other nerve cells.
  pain receptor 0.46   Doctors theorize that there are fewer pain receptors.
  adenosine receptor 0.39   In the new study, scientists created mice that lacked one of the four kinds of adenosine receptors.
  serotonin receptor 0.39   Zyban, a prescription drug, works on the serotonin receptors in the brain that affect nicotine addiction.
  taste receptor 0.39   Bees have taste receptors on their jaws, forelimbs and antennae.
  leptin receptor 0.33   Obese people might have a mutation in the leptin receptor, Tartaglia said.
  nicotine receptor 0.26   They also worked on the nicotine receptors on nerve cells.
  odor receptor 0.26   The human nose contains millions of odor receptors.
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