warm reception 9.22   Greg Lloyd got a warm reception.
  wedding reception 7.77   ...an ostentatious wedding reception.
  cool reception 6.12   Speech likely to get cool reception.
  hostile reception 3.88   His ideas met with a hostile reception.
  lukewarm reception 3.23   Our plan got a lukewarm reception.
  chilly reception 3.09   Chilly reception.
  mixed reception 3.09   He received a mixed reception.
  official reception 3.03   The piece was updated with shots of an official reception.
  private reception 3.03   He also held a private fund-raising reception.
  enthusiastic reception 2.83   She received an enthusiastic reception.
  cocktail reception 2.24   Then came one final cocktail reception, and that was it.
  fund-raising reception 1.84   He also held a private fund-raising reception.
  evening reception 1.65   An evening reception followed.
  frosty reception 1.58   My words got a frosty reception.
  rousing reception 1.58   She was met with a rousing reception.
  positive reception 1.51   Orban said he received a positive reception in Germany.
  cold reception 1.38   A cold reception, indeed.
  better reception 1.32   Leonardo, of course, got a better reception.
  warmer reception 1.32   Afghan Taliban defectors received a warmer reception.
  poor reception 1.18   This met with a poor reception.
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