price rebound 20.28   Cotton prices rebounded.
  stock rebound 15.93   Stocks rebounded.
  economy rebound 9.55   Pray the economy rebounds.
  market rebound 6.52   Asian markets rebound.
  dollar rebound 5.07   The dollar then rebounded.
  share rebound 4.34   Tyco shares may rebound.
  sale rebound 2.63   Retail sales rebounded.
  index rebound 1.71   Broad market indexes also rebounded.
  ball rebound 1.51   However, the ball rebounded to safety from the far post.
  bond rebound 1.45   Bonds rebounded quickly.
  industry rebound 1.25   In fact, the U.S. steel industry is already rebounding.
  business rebound 1.05   Then business rebounded last month.
  demand rebound 1.05   Given that trend, some traders said demand could rebound.
  future rebound 1.05   Crude oil futures rebounded from earlier declines.
  company rebound 0.99   The two companies have since rebounded.
  team rebound 0.99   Gomes said he hopes his team can rebound.
  confidence rebound 0.79   But memories are short, and consumer confidence has rebounded.
  currency rebound 0.72   The currency may not rebound any time soon.
  growth rebound 0.72   Kelley predicts growth will rebound in the third quarter.
  issue rebound 0.72   Computer issues rebounded after a three-day slide.
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