reflect reality 8.69   It only reflects reality.
  face reality 6.65   Time to face reality.
  ignore reality 4.28   And ignored ugly reality.
  accept reality 3.49   Stork accepts the reality.
  confront reality 1.91   The Angels confronted reality on two fronts Tuesday night.
  see reality 1.65   They saw harsh reality.
  distort reality 1.58   It distorts reality.
  recognize reality 1.58   Health experts also recognize this reality.
  acknowledge reality 1.38   He pauses, acknowledging reality.
  change reality 1.32   Who changed that reality?
  deny reality 1.18   No one can deny the reality.
  know reality 1.12   Dunn knows reality.
  understand reality 1.05   They understand the reality.
  bring reality 0.92   It brings back reality.
  use reality 0.92   Meego uses virtual reality to teach Trip a lesson about teamwork.
  create reality 0.79   He creates his reality.
  match reality 0.79   But the cries of alarm do not match reality.
  alter reality 0.72   They alter reality and abstract it.
  grasp reality 0.72   Abdul-Jabbar seemed to grasp reality better than many aging players.
  make reality 0.72   That makes the reality of the war threat hard to assess.
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