food ration 10.80   Food rations, poor.
  government ration 0.92   Most survive on government rations.
  army ration 0.59   Army rations, he explained.
  military-style ration 0.59   They will take alternate four-hour rowing shifts and eat military-style rations.
  starvation ration 0.59   Then they fed him starvation rations.
  water ration 0.59   Water rations were increased.
  rice ration 0.46   Many families stretch their rice rations by making thin porridge out of it.
  wheat ration 0.39   The bakers complained the government did not order a similar cut in wheat prices or deliver promised wheat rations.
  field ration 0.33   Vodka seems to be the field ration of choice.
  survival ration 0.26   You slide the print washer in front of the door while I break out the survival rations!
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