pay ransom 32.19   A ransom was paid.
  demand ransom 9.22   A fan demanding a ransom. . .
  seek ransom 3.82   Chuan Mean denied seeking ransoms.
  fetch ransom 0.92   Foreigners are often targeted because they fetch large ransoms.
  collect ransom 0.79   Hale was arrested after collecting the ransom.
  negotiate ransom 0.72   Families of kidnap victims say they have come to negotiate ransoms.
  deliver ransom 0.59   Police believe the ransom was delivered, but it was unclear who paid it.
  receive ransom 0.53   The rebel commander also denied having received any ransom from the family.
  afford ransom 0.33   His father operated a service station in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and could not afford a ransom.
  raise ransom 0.33   Unable to raise the ransom, the brother of one victim called the police.
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