large ransom 3.88   Most were released for reportedly large ransoms.
  huge ransom 2.37   Tripoli reportedly financed huge ransoms.
  hefty ransom 1.05   He was returned for a hefty ransom.
  highest ransom 0.79   Foreigners typically fetch the highest ransoms.
  high ransom 0.59   Her kidnappers asked a record high ransom of five million US dollars.
  higher ransom 0.39   Foreigners are favored because they tend to fetch higher ransoms.
  paying ransom 0.39   The U.S. State Department has ruled out paying ransom.
  unspecified ransom 0.39   He asked to be put in touch with senior police officials and demanded an unspecified ransom.
  undisclosed ransom 0.33   He was released afer paying an undisclosed ransom.
  alleged ransom 0.26   Pasqua allies are suspected of stealing part of the alleged secret ransom.
  big ransom 0.26   Delclaux was kidnapped with the aim of extracting a big ransom.
  possible ransom 0.26   There was no immediate word on any possible ransom demand.
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