company rank 2.11   The new company will rank third in the industry in revenue.
  state rank 1.97   Only five states ranked worse.
  team rank 1.45   On defense, the teams rank second and third.
  magazine rank 1.05   Fortune magazine ranks us pretty good.
  defense rank 0.79   Their pass defense ranks third in the AFC.
  country rank 0.72   The country ranks fifth in natural gas reserves.
  student rank 0.72   Hispanic students ranked fifth.
  voter rank 0.72   Voters rank education as their top concern in the election, according to polls.
  area rank 0.66   The Boston area ranked about fifth in most categories.
  survey rank 0.66   Two recent surveys rank Hawk behind only Michael Jordan among athletes.
  poll rank 0.59   Recent polls rank him as our most admired public figure.
  report rank 0.59   But the report ranked most germ agents as only possible or unlikely threats.
  education rank 0.53   Education ranks high as a campaign issue.
  fund rank 0.46   A year ago, the Fidelity funds ranked third.
  study rank 0.46   An American study ranks it as one of most dangerous in Eastern Europe.
  group rank 0.39   The group ranks cities according to its own set of criteria.
  industry rank 0.39   In every category, the paper industry ranked dead last.
  bank rank 0.33   What three banks rank ahead worldwide?
  issue rank 0.33   High-tech issues ranked high among gainers.
  judge rank 0.33   Here is how the judges ranked the wines.
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