heavy rainstorm 3.36   The pollution quickly dissipated after a heavy rainstorm.
  driving rainstorm 1.84   In a driving rainstorm, it shined.
  torrential rainstorm 0.72   A torrential rainstorm soaked the campsite during the night.
  violent rainstorm 0.72   Even where temperatures remained balmy, violent rainstorms wreaked havoc.
  sudden rainstorm 0.53   We were drenched by the sudden rainstorm.
  fierce rainstorm 0.46   The jet had changed course to try to avoid a fierce rainstorm.
  afternoon rainstorm 0.39   During the summer monsoon season, afternoon rainstorms are common.
  severe rainstorm 0.33   Trading was suspended Tuesday morning because of severe rainstorms.
  tropical rainstorm 0.33   Tropical rainstorms are common during summer in Bangladesh.
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