launch raid 11.45   They launched a raid against the enemy.
  conduct raid 9.94   The first police raid was conducted in April.
  carry raid 9.87   The raid was carried out Thursday.
  follow raid 6.39   They were held in jail for five days following the raid.
  stage raid 6.39   Those raids were staged Monday and Tuesday.
  bomb raid 4.94   They also reported one bombing raid in the morning.
  confirm raid 4.28   Israel confirmed the raid.
  mount raid 2.83   The goal spurred the Germans to mount raids from all angles.
  order raid 2.83   Judges were ordering gambling raids.
  plan raid 2.50   He said subsequent raids are planned.
  condemn raid 2.04   Lebanon condemned the raids.
  make raid 1.97   Police make no raids unless there is a complaint.
  lead raid 1.91   The drug raid was led by top officers.
  step_up raid 1.18   Police have stepped up raids on private apartments and heavy security patrols on streets.
  include raid 1.12   Periodically, the government tries new ways to tighten control, including police raids.
  continue raid 1.05   Meanwhile, Israel continued its raids on Palestinian villages and towns.
  escape raid 1.05   Arizmendi escaped the raid and remains at large.
  prompt raid 0.99   That was enough to prompt a raid of the deli for illegal immigrants.
  report raid 0.99   Another arrest raid was reported in the village of Burkin near the town of Jenin.
  begin raid 0.92   Prosecutors begin raids on Media-Most offices.
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