battle rage 10.40   The battles rage on.
  debate rage 8.69   Debate raged.
  fire rage 8.43   The fire raged for hours.
  war rage 3.95   The war raged.
  violence rage 1.97   Sectarian violence rages on.
  controversy rage 1.78   But controversy raged.
  argument rage 1.65   The argument rages.
  clash rage 0.99   Clashes can rage for days before subsiding.
  conflict rage 0.72   Beyond the hijacking drama, the conflict raged on.
  storm rage 0.66   A storm rages that night, bringing heavy winds and choppy seas.
  blaze rage 0.59   But the blaze raged out of control.
  fight rage 0.59   The fight for freedom rages for years.
  flame rage 0.59   The sky blackened, flames raged down the hill, and winds whipped trees around his home.
  wildfire rage 0.59   What the parched region had needed most, as wildfires raged through palmettos, pines and sometimes homes, was rain.
  duel rage 0.53   With the cameraman shooting from a doorway, a lightsaber duel raged.
  gunbattles rage 0.46   Fierce gunbattles rage for days between pickets and then end abruptly.
  dispute rage 0.39   The club-vs.-country dispute has raged for weeks.
  blizzard rage 0.33   Farther north, a blizzard raged across Iowa and western Wisconsin.
  came rage 0.33   The decision came as fighting raged in southern Lebanon.
  firefight rage 0.33   The intense firefight raged for several hours.
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