say radio 12.71   Serb attacks continued elsewhere too, said Bosnian radio.
  tell radio 11.19   Shamir told the radio.
  report radio 9.15   RCN radio reported only seven people were rescued, six of whom survived.
  use radio 5.13   So we used radio.
  have radio 4.02   It has a radio.
  talk radio 3.82   Talk radio.
  turn radio 2.57   Turn the radio off.
  tune radio 2.04   Radios are tuned to gospel stations.
  carry radio 1.05   All eight men carried radios.
  monitor radio 0.99   Naval officers sat quietly monitoring a radio.
  buy radio 0.79   Well I must have to try and buy a radio I think.
  include radio 0.79   The jet gives off radiation in many wavelength bands including the radio.
  quote radio 0.79   Fourteen other people were seriously injured in the blast, LUSA said, quoting Angolan radio.
  have_on radio 0.72   Billie has the radio on all day long.
  leave radio 0.72   That leaves radio.
  steal radio 0.72   His car radio was stolen on another occasion.
  take radio 0.72   I took the radio back, and they refunded my money.
  add radio 0.59   Intel Corp., for instance, is working on adding radio to every chip it makes.
  call radio 0.59   From inside the compound, Japanese Ambassador Morihisa Aoki called local radio.
  destroy radio 0.53   The men destroyed two radios before the marines could get in.
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