ultraviolet radiation 9.02   Ultraviolet radiation damages DNA in plants.
  solar radiation 4.08   Soot is dark, and absorbs solar radiation.
  infrared radiation 2.37   In turn, trees emit more infrared radiation.
  electromagnetic radiation 1.97   Radio frequency pulse, or electromagnetic radiation, is well known.
  harmful radiation 1.78   Sun creams work by blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  nuclear radiation 1.58   No more nuclear radiation, no more waste.
  dangerous radiation 1.25   Ozone helps block dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
  intense radiation 1.12   They detect intense radiation coming from the galactic center.
  increased radiation 1.05   Or could it be increased radiation from the sun?
  external radiation 0.99   The second form is external radiation.
  cosmic radiation 0.92   ...cosmic radiation.
  possible radiation 0.92   Scientists must have full access to the atolls to assess damage and to monitor possible radiation leaks.
  ultra-violet radiation 0.92   Worried about ultra-violet radiation?
  high radiation 0.79   Last November, one Chernobyl worker received a high radiation dose because of a leak in a fuel cassette.
  deadly radiation 0.72   Just one brick-sized piece of fuel that recently fell onto the sarcophagus roof emits deadly radiation.
  human radiation 0.72   At the dawn of the atomic age, the government conducted human radiation testing later linked to cancer.
  low-level radiation 0.72   The metal box absorbs their low-level radiation.
  chronic radiation 0.66   Wehave shown for the first time that small intestinal and whole gut transit is faster in patients with chronic radiation enteritis.
  high-energy radiation 0.59   At this temperature, the compressed gas radiates both visible light and high-energy ultraviolet radiation.
  potential radiation 0.53   Rabin said residents were also worried about potential radiation from the installation.
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