use radar 3.49   Police use radar to nail speeding drivers.
  have radar 1.32   Giokaris has a radar for spotting nonsense from pupils.
  jam radar 0.86   Other moths make clicking sounds that may startle bats or jam their radars.
  evade radar 0.79   It can evade most radar, but is generally visible to anti-collision devices.
  install radar 0.72   Radar will be installed to detect any air intruders.
  replace radar 0.66   Global positioning would also eventually replace radar.
  include radar 0.53   That includes long-range radar that could peer deep into the Chinese mainland.
  track radar 0.53   The buildings held anti-aircraft guns, ammunition and tracking radar, he said.
  elude radar 0.46   The Russian airplane has similar stealth capabilities, enabling it to elude enemy radars.
  lock radar 0.46   But the Bosnian Serbs apparently are unable to lock their radar on NATO planes.
  avoid radar 0.39   The plane has been sold, and is now being debated in Congress, largely on its ability to avoid enemy radar.
  carry radar 0.39   They carry radar in a domed top.
  destroy radar 0.33   If that single radar were destroyed, the entire system would become inoperable.
  make radar 0.33   Raytheon makes the radars that make Patriot work.
  target radar 0.33   An Indian Defense Ministry source told the AP on Monday that the radars were targeted for Kashmir.
  build radar 0.26   The Latvian government decided to build the radar at the end of November.
  operate radar 0.26   Out of that, the town must cover the costs of operating photo radar, she said.
  provide radar 0.26   It provides radar, infrared and other surveillance sensors carried by UAVs as well as ground stations in which pilots fly the planes via computer.
  say radar 0.26   There were no weather problems and Cala said ground radar and radio systems were operating normally.
  thwart radar 0.26   Aluminum foil was tied to them to thwart radar, the crewman said.
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