company race 3.62   Phone companies are racing to catch up.
  ambulance race 3.29   Ambulances raced to the scene.
  heart race 2.57   My heart raced.
  horse race 2.50   Horses also race.
  car race 2.44   Two cars raced past him at high speed.
  mind race 2.11   Minds raced.
  driver race 1.84   The drivers will race in backup cars.
  team race 1.58   A dog team race without snow?
  people race 1.32   People raced to record books.
  worker race 1.32   Workers race to excavate site.
  boat race 1.25   But the boats raced on.
  man race 1.12   The men raced first.
  fire race 1.05   An arson fire raced through an immigrant home Thursday, killing at least nine people.
  flame race 1.05   In most fires, the flames race upslope.
  player race 0.92   Pumped-up, the players raced onto the floor.
  two race 0.86   To say nothing of the two race cars.
  crew race 0.72   Emergency crew were racing to try to keep them from being destroyed, officials said.
  official race 0.72   Now US space officials are racing against time to correct the problems.
  woman race 0.72   The women race in a slalom Sunday.
  child race 0.66   Barefoot children raced behind them, retrieving the bags from the roadside dust.
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