presidential race 84.27   Aside from a presidential race, that is.
  first race 31.14   He won his first race.
  close race 27.78   Close races abound.
  tight race 20.74   It was a tight race.
  the race 17.38   The other race.
  second race 14.29   The second race is Monday.
  congressional race 14.15   It was the closest congressional race in the nation.
  human race 13.23   Fear for future of human race.
  last race 12.90   His last race helped him.
  final race 12.77   Lewis won his final race.
  gubernatorial race 9.81   The Texas gubernatorial race is this year.
  big race 9.61   They made the big races.
  next race 9.22   His next race?
  different race 9.02   This was a different race.
  mayoral race 8.89   Forget the mayoral race.
  republican race 8.29   The Republican race had not been decided.
  previous race 7.77   He has won five previous races.
  downhill race 7.37   Two downhill races were canceled.
  major race 7.37   Here are our endorsements in some major races.
  statewide race 6.58   So can Hamilton win a statewide race?
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