racial quota 5.40   These issues are school choice and racial quotas.
  new quota 2.90   The new quota has yet to be determined.
  higher quota 1.97   Kuwait has repeatedly called for a higher OPEC quota.
  individual quota 1.65   They were the individual quotas for September.
  annual quota 1.38   Those who reach their annual quota must also stop production.
  current quota 1.38   Here are the current OPEC output quotas.
  strict quota 1.25   The agency imposes strict fishing quotas.
  national quota 1.18   The agreement also does away with national quotas in Europe.
  fishing quota 1.12   Fishing quotas can then be set.
  european quota 0.92   The EU assembly had asked that European content quotas be made mandatory.
  sales quota 0.92   The department set new sales quotas in January.
  federal quota 0.79   The peanut program allows only farmers with a federal quota to grow peanuts for the domestic Market.
  lower quota 0.79   The lower quotas will be enforced over the next three fishing seasons.
  reduced quota 0.79   Their refusal to accept drastically reduced quotas of salmon may spell disaster for decimated stocks.
  rigid quota 0.79   He decreed rigid racial quotas in faculty and administrative hiring.
  numerical quota 0.72   None of them simply directed the IRS not to use numerical quotas.
  official quota 0.72   In reality, the total increase in production extends beyond the official OPEC quotas.
  monthly quota 0.66   Only Christians are allowed a small monthly quota.
  specific quota 0.66   However, there are specific quotas for each country.
  daily quota 0.59   No daily quota, no deadline, no homework.
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