answer query 3.75   Staff are always available to answer your queries.
  refer query 2.30   He referred further queries to the Giants.
  have query 1.58   Do you have any queries?
  field query 0.72   Nigel Pritchard, a spokesman for CNN International, fielded queries from several nations.
  handle query 0.66   He has assembled a team of experts to handle queries.
  post query 0.59   He posted queries on the Internet.
  receive query 0.59   Dole campaign officials said they had received queries from other news organizations as well.
  send query 0.53   Rather Jet sends queries to various data bases when the Office programs request data.
  direct query 0.46   The sharpest queries were directed at Martin.
  make query 0.46   -- The ability to make queries anytime and in almost complete privacy.
  get query 0.33   Anybody got any queries on that?
  hold query 0.33   This query is held in SQL command file CC.QRY.
  submit query 0.26   The complaint touches a hot-button issue affecting tens of millions of people who submit search queries each day.
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