accompany queen 1.05   The queen is accompanied by Prime Minister Wim Kok and Foreign Minister Hans van Mierlo.
  meet queen 0.86   Please be prepared to meet the queen.
  greet queen 0.72   The queen was greeted by Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert at the rose garden.
  see queen 0.72   Then they were off to the palace to see the queen.
  play queen 0.59   He played the queen of diamonds.
  dump queen 0.53   Australians will vote in a referendum in November on whether to dump the queen and become a republic.
  have queen 0.46   I had another queen as well.
  join queen 0.46   The queen was joined by her husband Prince Philip.
  replace queen 0.46   A referendum overwhelmingly rejected replacing the queen.
  show queen 0.39   The queen was shown around the temple by Tohra, the Sikh high priest.
  criticize queen 0.33   Marx had criticized the queen for donating jewelry to the church.
  present queen 0.33   He presented the queen with a diamond necklace.
  cheer queen 0.26   There was even some front-page news to cheer the queen.
  crown queen 0.26   The queen was crowned with due ceremony.
  represent queen 0.26   The queen is represented in Canada by an appointed Governor-General.
  trade queen 0.26   Later, the two traded queens.
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