combine push 1.51   Several factors have combined to push up prices.
  use push 1.32   A locomotive was used to push the cars into the station.
  be push 0.92   We were effective pushing the ball up the floor.
  will push 0.72   Willing to push greed-sickened fans over the edge.
  act push 0.53   All of which has acted to push up prices.
  fight push 0.53   Iranian-backed guerrillas have been fighting to push the Israelis out of the area.
  work push 0.46   It has worked to push more forcefully into international markets.
  do push 0.33   I want to see it get resolved, but there is nothing much I can do to push it.
  intervene push 0.33   Hopes of an agreement rose earlier this month when Schroeder personally intervened to push for a resumption of talks.
  say push 0.26   Oh, David, she said pushing him away as if he were a small boy, which indeed he seemed.
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