corporal punishment 11.52   Corporal punishment was prohibited.
  severe punishment 10.01   Nor is severe punishment common.
  harsh punishment 6.98   Calls for harsh punishment mounted.
  collective punishment 6.85   Palestinians call it collective punishment.
  maximum punishment 6.71   He received the maximum punishment.
  possible punishment 4.34   Rebels face possible punishment.
  appropriate punishment 3.16   What would be the appropriate punishment?
  tougher punishment 3.09   Will it be the players who advocate tougher punishment?
  harsher punishment 3.03   Lawmakers would rather see harsher punishment.
  physical punishment 3.03   Blatant physical punishment is off limits.
  further punishment 2.83   But no further punishment was planned.
  criminal punishment 2.57   Criminal punishments differ in federal court.
  same punishment 2.24   The president of French skating received the same punishment.
  administrative punishment 2.11   Permana said the firing was only an administrative punishment.
  stern punishment 1.91   He vowed stern punishment for those found guilty.
  stiffer punishment 1.84   More praying, stiffer punishment.
  legal punishment 1.65   If the killer is identified after that, there can be no legal punishment.
  stiff punishment 1.65   Gekas said he believes Clinton might have to face such stiff punishment.
  ultimate punishment 1.58   And they got the ultimate punishment.
  stricter punishment 1.51   Stricter punishment?
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