use pump 3.03   Central heating pump Q.
  install pump 1.32   The Malpai group has since helped them install a pump.
  run pump 1.32   Just run the pump when you want to enjoy the fountain.
  prime pump 1.25   We have to prime the pump.
  have pump 0.99   We had another pump back at camp.
  activate pump 0.59   It then activates the pump and records the purchase.
  wear pump 0.59   Should you wear pumps?
  implant pump 0.53   She reassured him that getting a pump implanted was no big deal.
  operate pump 0.53   Downtown businesses operated sump pumps as the subsoil water level rose.
  replace pump 0.53   I had the fuel pump replaced on my car.
  make pump 0.39   The pump is made by Abiomed Inc. of Danvers, Massachusetts.
  repair pump 0.39   The pump should be repaired late Friday, Public Works Commissioner Harold Thompson Jr. said.
  include pump 0.33   Supplies, including pumps, hoses and gasoline, had to be dropped in by air or packed in by mule.
  power pump 0.33   In the event of a power failure, most companies have standby diesel generators to power the pumps.
  turn pump 0.33   The sump pump has been turned off.
  add pump 0.26   But he suspects the board will likely add the pump as an option.
  attach pump 0.26   An electric water pump is easily attached.
  build pump 0.26   Oxfam builds water pumps.
  take pump 0.26   Should I take pumps?
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