tax provision 3.55   The luxury tax provision was dropped.
  security provision 2.83   It also wants tighter job security provisions.
  lawsuit provision 2.24   Helms sees no reason to delay the lawsuit provisions, a spokesman said.
  loan provision 2.17   Some argue that the loan provisions should be eliminated.
  loan-loss provision 1.97   PNC took no loan-loss provision in the quarter, just as in the first quarter.
  risk provision 1.78   Operating earnings are after taxes and before risk provisions.
  education provision 1.71   It does not yet contain several education provisions demanded by Clinton.
  contract provision 1.65   Weinstein said the earlier contract provisions for such fines had been in dispute.
  loss provision 1.65   Make loan loss provisions fully tax deductible, after tax verification.
  treaty provision 1.65   They allegedly violated EU treaty provisions on fair trade.
  liability provision 1.45   But critics of the liability provision called it a special protection for tobacco companies.
  labor provision 1.18   Dole pointedly needled the Democrats for objecting to the labor provision.
  enforcement provision 1.12   As a result, it was left without any verification or enforcement provision.
  job provision 1.05   It also wants tighter job security provisions.
  service provision 1.05   Though Kent has established a career path, it does not exclude a move back to service provision.
  welfare provision 1.05   Employers say industry can no longer afford such generous welfare provisions.
  health provision 0.99   The House bill did not contain any mental health provision.
  abortion provision 0.92   The abortion provision prompted the most intense debate of the day.
  penalty provision 0.92   The penalty provisions of the Act counsel this interpretation as well.
  confidentiality provision 0.86   But the confidentiality provision in the agreement runs in only one direction.
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