peace protocol 1.65   Several rebel groups reportedly did not sign the peace protocol at all.
  trade protocol 1.32   Jordan-Iraq trade protocol renewed.
  draft protocol 1.05   It cited a draft Russian protocol given to Chechen negotiators.
  transfer protocol 0.86   That stands for file transfer protocol.
  treatment protocol 0.86   Given such limited data, no treatment protocols exist.
  research protocol 0.79   Is there access to research protocols?
  study protocol 0.66   All patients completed the study protocol.
  communication protocol 0.59   A. They should incorporate a common communication protocol.
  file protocol 0.59   That stands for file transfer protocol.
  security protocol 0.59   There were phone lines to worry about, satellite links, and security protocols.
  treaty protocol 0.59   The treaty protocol under negotiation here will not dictate how countries should make the reductions.
  cooperation protocol 0.53   The Romanian and Lebanese public works ministries also initialled a cooperation protocol.
  biosafety protocol 0.39   On several occasions, he has lead the Malaysian delegation in negotiations of biosafety protocol.
  coalition protocol 0.39   But Yilmaz said the coalition protocol signed between True Path and Motherland was no longer valid.
  test protocol 0.33   Caddell said the test protocol for the re-creation was not followed.
  palace protocol 0.26   Reporters were briefed beforehand on palace protocol, including when to bow.
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