call protest 4.08   The action was called to protest attacks on unionists.
  gather protest 2.30   Kosovo Albanians gather to protest killings.
  resign protest 2.11   Six members have resigned to protest the peace with Israel.
  march protest 1.51   Hundreds march to protest level of air pollution.
  strike protest 1.12   Workers strike to protest labor bill.
  riot protest 0.99   The prisoners rioted to protest the lack of drinking water.
  quit protest 0.79   Many of them quit to protest disappointing year-end bonuses.
  boycott protest 0.46   France boycotted to protest a lack of progress in Mideast peace negotiations.
  organize protest 0.39   The rally is being organized to protest a proposed change in the constitution that will allow Ramos to run for another term.
  rally protest 0.39   Some offering to stage rallies to protest the court ruling.
  arrest protest 0.26   As a freshman, she was arrested protesting the Vietnam War.
  demonstrate protest 0.26   Police opened fire on the Algerians demonstrating to protest a curfew on their community.
  file protest 0.26   The liens were filed to protest a speeding ticket, a freeman tactic to bog down the court system.
  withdraw protest 0.26   Six of seven candidates withdraw to protest fraud.
  write protest 0.26   Who can we write to protest this?
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