produce protein 7.31   Genes produce proteins.
  make protein 6.91   Proteins are made by genes.
  contain protein 2.63   Rice contains protein.
  use protein 1.51   She uses the protein for her eggs.
  identify protein 1.45   Cancer breakthrough... researchers identify rogue protein.
  block protein 1.05   The drug blocks that protein.
  find protein 1.05   Protein is found in both the wheat crust and the cheese.
  have protein 0.99   Has he had enough protein?
  eat protein 0.79   Americans do not eat enough protein.
  add protein 0.72   They are a quick way to add protein to noodle soups.
  manufacture protein 0.72   Those critical proteins are manufactured by genes.
  secrete protein 0.59   Astrocytes signal neurons to build synapses by secreting a protein.
  destroy protein 0.53   In healthy controls, all proteins were destroyed.
  provide protein 0.53   The beans provide the protein.
  study protein 0.53   That would allow proteins to be studied in finer detail.
  create protein 0.46   Anthrax bacteria create three proteins that team up to make its toxin.
  isolate protein 0.46   For example, scientists in Denmark have isolated a protein that may fight diabetes .
  lack protein 0.46   Diets lack protein.
  detect protein 0.39   The problem for the plants is that they usually detect the protein too late.
  digest protein 0.39   The protease is an enzyme that digests proteins.
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