human protein 3.82   We could make any human protein in a reactor.
  animal protein 3.62   Animal protein is high in methionine.
  abnormal protein 1.91   Many drugs target single abnormal proteins.
  specific protein 1.91   This drug targets specific proteins that cause inflammation.
  different protein 1.84   Distinct organisms have different proteins.
  normal protein 1.84   First they tagged the normal protein with a radioactive label.
  new protein 1.45   The new proteins take the cancer therapy one step further.
  particular protein 1.32   They attach themselves to a particular protein on the cells of the nasal lining.
  viral protein 1.25   Viral proteins and skin proteins both spill out of the cell.
  high protein 1.18   High protein.
  natural protein 0.99   Wheat gluten is the natural protein portion of the grain.
  mutant protein 0.92   So the question is what the mutant protein is actively doing to cause disease.
  same protein 0.92   The same protein is involved.
  total protein 0.92   The total protein content of the tube was evaluated by the Bradford protein method.
  misfolded protein 0.86   Blood can carry misfolded proteins.
  similar protein 0.86   A search for the sequence finds similar proteins in yeast.
  single protein 0.86   Many drugs target single abnormal proteins.
  special protein 0.86   It is now thought that it is a special protein unique to tooth enamel.
  aberrant protein 0.79   All are believed to be caused by aberrant proteins called prions.
  key protein 0.79   They found that key proteins between the two showed significant discrepancies.
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