growth prospect 14.88   Growth prospects are enticing.
  earnings prospect 11.13   Even now, earnings prospects remain dim.
  job prospect 9.41   Worried about your job prospects?
  peace prospect 5.00   Intelligence chief pessimistic about peace prospects.
  business prospect 4.87   Business prospects brightened last month.
  employment prospect 3.62   Local employment prospects are minimal.
  career prospect 3.36   How would you view your career prospects?
  export prospect 2.17   And its export prospects were limited by its size.
  investment prospect 2.11   Cogan remains bullish about investment prospects.
  profit prospect 2.11   As the year moved on, profit prospects brightened.
  crop prospect 1.97   Rain also is improving the crop prospects in Argentina.
  college prospect 1.25   Evaluating college prospects.
  re-election prospect 1.18   It could be crucial to his re-election prospects.
  recovery prospect 1.12   A sober assessment of recovery prospects by Fed chairman Alan Greenspan also gave pause to investors.
  year prospect 1.05   Its prospects this year are just as bleak, they conceded.
  blue-chip prospect 0.99   Are they guys that we think are blue-chip prospects?
  market prospect 0.99   Market prospects for electronic organizers are strong.
  outfield prospect 0.99   Jay Payton, a top outfield prospect, supported that acclaim.
  draft prospect 0.92   The parade of NFL draft prospects continues on the Internet.
  medal prospect 0.92   Medal prospects are dim.
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