say prosecutor 13.89   This is just what Golshani and Melamed did, say prosecutors.
  accuse prosecutor 6.52   The defense Friday angrily accused prosecutors of misconduct.
  tell prosecutor 2.83   The police never told prosecutors.
  quote prosecutor 2.04   Anatolia quoted the prosecutor as saying he would seek the death penalty.
  appoint prosecutor 1.91   A special prosecutor has been appointed.
  bar prosecutor 1.58   The judge agreed, and barred prosecutors from mentioning them in opening statements.
  help prosecutor 1.45   Puerto Rican man accused of helping murder prosecutor arrested in U.S.
  provide prosecutor 1.32   He has yet to provide prosecutors with their names.
  ask prosecutor 1.18   Ito asked prosecutor Cheri Lewis.
  criticize prosecutor 1.12   But he criticized federal prosecutors for pursuing the case.
  prevent prosecutor 1.12   The pardon prevents prosecutors from retrying Symington on federal fraud charges.
  assist prosecutor 0.79   Court documents said the charges could be reduced further if Martin assists prosecutors.
  allege prosecutor 0.72   Their motivation, prosecutors alleged, was hatred of foreigners.
  include prosecutor 0.72   No one, including the prosecutors, disputes the scientific accuracy of the tests.
  call prosecutor 0.66   Worth said he would call prosecutors Monday in hopes of settling terms under which his clients would testify.
  charge prosecutor 0.66   Later that day, prosecutors charged him, Nicklasson and Skillicorn with murder.
  give prosecutor 0.66   The judge had given prosecutors until noon to appeal.
  meet prosecutor 0.66   He had been due to meet a prosecutor to elaborate on those allegations.
  notify prosecutor 0.66   Instead police are required to notify a prosecutor.
  order prosecutor 0.66   He asked the judge to order prosecutors to turn over their interview with him.
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