high proportion 10.27   Good size, high proportion of meat to juice.
  large proportion 9.74   ...a large proportion of the populace.
  higher proportion 8.36   There is now a higher proportion of women in management jobs.
  small proportion 7.83   A very small proportion have gone astray.
  epidemic proportion 5.00   Worldwide sin is at epidemic proportions.
  larger proportion 4.61   In the past a much larger proportion has gone to Russia.
  significant proportion 4.41   A significant proportion of the drug reaches the colon.
  epic proportion 4.08   It is a turnabout of epic proportions.
  direct proportion 3.69   Weight increases in direct proportion to Mass.
  greater proportion 3.69   It said fraud takes on greater proportions.
  historic proportion 3.42   It was a blowout of historic proportions.
  same proportion 3.29   The same proportion come from poor families.
  highest proportion 2.63   But the U.S. troops suffered the highest proportion of fatalities.
  biblical proportion 2.57   The men are beset by plagues of biblical proportion.
  mythic proportion 2.04   Achieving this was a feat of mythic proportions.
  smaller proportion 1.97   A much smaller proportion of whites have the new IDs.
  increasing proportion 1.91   Boys, too, make up an increasing proportion of patients with braces.
  substantial proportion 1.84   A substantial proportion of the population speak a French-based patois.
  growing proportion 1.45   Traffic fumes accounted for a growing proportion of the problem.
  major proportion 1.45   Then a comeback of major proportions occurred.
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