law prohibit 56.88   But the law prohibits cutting the staff.
  rule prohibit 16.66   NFL rules prohibit casino ownership.
  regulation prohibit 5.79   Federal regulations prohibit such adjustments.
  bill prohibit 5.73   In addition, the bill would prohibit all straw purchases.
  constitution prohibit 3.09   The constitution prohibits this.
  policy prohibit 3.09   Club policy prohibits drinking in the clubhouse at Fenway Park.
  state prohibit 2.76   Most states do not prohibit sodomy.
  agreement prohibit 2.70   But Perry said the agreement would prohibit that.
  legislation prohibit 2.63   Current legislation prohibits them from voting.
  government prohibit 2.44   The government had previously prohibited the gathering.
  sanction prohibit 2.37   U.N. sanctions prohibit flights to or from Libya.
  measure prohibit 1.91   The measure also prohibits the sale of any urban land.
  code prohibit 1.45   Some building codes prohibit roof heating cables.
  treaty prohibit 1.38   The treaty had prohibited such a test.
  ban prohibit 1.25   The ban would prohibit flights by Sudan Airways abroad.
  amendment prohibit 1.12   The amendment does not prohibit unbalanced budgets.
  guideline prohibit 1.12   But Coca-Cola guidelines prohibit the company from engaging in it.
  authority prohibit 1.05   Chilean authorities prohibited buses and taxis from entering Peru.
  court prohibit 0.99   The court prohibited from leaving the country.
  proposal prohibit 0.99   One proposal would prohibit the law from applying to plane crashes.
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