company profit 20.34   Incentives reduce company profits.
  year profit 11.13   The company made a profit this year.
  third-quarter profit 10.27   Third-quarter profit matched expectations.
  first-quarter profit 9.02   Its first-quarter profit beat forecasts.
  fourth-quarter profit 8.82   A strike now could cut deeply into fourth-quarter profits.
  second-quarter profit 7.83   The company also raised its forecast for second-quarter profits.
  drug profit 5.66   The money was confiscated as drug profits.
  bank profit 5.20   The write-offs wiped out bank profits.
  quarter profit 4.28   Overall, profits this quarter are beating expectations.
  windfall profit 3.55   Windfall profits.
  first-half profit 2.63   Krupp said all areas contributed to the first-half profit.
  full-year profit 2.57   It warned full-year profit will decline.
  paper profit 2.44   But that, of course, is a paper profit.
  industry profit 2.37   For certain, industry profits are soaring.
  oil profit 2.37   The United Nations would also continue to administer Iraqi oil profits.
  business profit 2.04   However, the lure of yuan business profits is too lucrative to ignore.
  group profit 2.04   Glogauer said Rover did not hurt the group profit.
  boost profit 1.78   Lower spending helped boost profit, the company said.
  investment profit 1.78   He insists the investment profits were obtained legally.
  book profit 1.18   Better still, accounting rules allowed many firms to book profits based on pension gains.
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