higher profile 11.52   Some artists keep a higher profile.
  low profile 8.95   He has a low international profile.
  public profile 8.23   His public profile is discreet.
  lower profile 7.18   He assumed a lower profile.
  international profile 5.27   He has a low international profile.
  highest profile 4.08   The highest profile belongs to Mike Watt.
  psychological profile 3.88   Thus, a psychological profile emerges.
  national profile 3.82   Williams said of her rising national profile.
  high profile 3.23   Others raise their public profile too high.
  political profile 2.90   A political profile by Richard L. Berke.
  genetic profile 2.11   The team hopes to build a genetic profile of the virus.
  personal profile 1.65   His personal profile is also on the rise.
  different profile 1.12   But the survey provides a different profile.
  demographic profile 1.05   But he could fit the demographic profile.
  similar profile 1.05   The two cut a similar profile.
  financial profile 0.92   Still ValuJet has a very strong financial profile for an airline.
  short profile 0.92   A short profile.
  detailed profile 0.79   Detailed legislative profiles of the entire delegation.
  magazine profile 0.79   Television appearances and magazine profiles were in the works.
  diplomatic profile 0.72   Rogge was keeping a diplomatic profile.
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