medical profession 15.93   ...the medical profession.
  legal profession 11.52   I love the legal profession.
  accounting profession 3.09   Now the accounting profession will never be the same.
  teaching profession 2.90   The teaching profession seemed full at the time.
  chosen profession 2.44   He did well in his chosen profession.
  coaching profession 1.38   The coaching profession has been great to me.
  new profession 1.25   This is a whole new profession.
  entire profession 0.79   And an entire profession is once again brought to its collective knee.
  nursing profession 0.66   Mary had retired from the nursing profession.
  oldest profession 0.66   Tomming is the oldest profession in the world.
  same profession 0.66   There are benefits to working at the same profession.
  dangerous profession 0.59   It is a very dangerous profession.
  noble profession 0.59   As a result, the noble profession has seemed a bit less noble.
  different profession 0.53   We work in different professions.
  any profession 0.46   But like any other profession, its members are individuals, not one big amorphous lump.
  architectural profession 0.39   ...a blot on the reputation of the architectural profession.
  caring profession 0.39   She was admirably suited to membership of a caring profession.
  health_care profession 0.39   But we feel we are being second guessed by people who are not even in the health care profession.
  psychiatric profession 0.39   The movie reminds us how much more paternalistic and morally judgmental the psychiatric profession was in those days.
  public profession 0.39   Public professions do not equal public lives.
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