oil production 32.39   Domestic oil production boomed.
  food production 18.37   Food production.
  world production 8.03   World production is rising.
  energy production 7.83   Is that still a viable method of energy production?
  film production 7.11   Film production dried up.
  drug production 6.19   This is about big time drug production and dealing.
  television production 5.92   He has a job in television production.
  gas production 5.20   Gas production remained as normal.
  opium production 5.00   Instead, opium production skyrocketed.
  steel production 4.67   Steel production appears weak.
  milk production 4.34   Milk production is down.
  factory production 4.28   Factory production slowed.
  car production 4.21   Car production is now highly mechanized.
  crop production 4.08   How can it benefit crop production?
  year production 3.82   However, his production this year plunged.
  auto production 3.75   Auto production fell last month for the second month.
  stage production 3.75   Will stage productions follow?
  weapon production 3.62   Pentagon reports on outlawed weapons production.
  theater production 3.55   He is starring as himself in a theater production.
  sugar production 3.42   Newspapers stress the need for increased sugar production.
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