use proceeds 50.03   Allied will use the proceeds to reduce its debt.
  donate proceeds 5.46   Proceeds will be donated to charity.
  convert proceeds 4.41   Those investors often convert dollar proceeds into their own currencies.
  invest proceeds 2.76   What can I invest the proceeds in that is safe?
  receive proceeds 2.44   Agere will not receive any proceeds from those sales.
  reinvest proceeds 2.17   Many investors who sold reinvest their proceeds in January.
  share proceeds 1.97   Bartos is opposed to sharing the proceeds.
  split proceeds 1.91   If I do, must I split the proceeds with my three friends?
  put proceeds 1.84   If we sell, where should we put the proceeds?
  launder proceeds 1.45   He launders proceeds from drugs, individual donations and business profits through a range of countries.
  spend proceeds 1.45   They differ, however, on how the proceeds should be spent.
  give proceeds 1.32   They made baby booties, sold them and gave the proceeds to the poor.
  keep proceeds 1.12   More often than not, I keep the proceeds for myself.
  include proceeds 0.86   They do not include life insurance proceeds.
  transfer proceeds 0.86   The proceeds would be transferred to Adelphia.
  distribute proceeds 0.79   Iraq also still must submit its plan for distributing the proceeds, she said.
  divide proceeds 0.72   Diplomats and executives said the proceeds were divided among various public officials.
  pay proceeds 0.72   The proceeds are paid from the National Loans Fund.
  earmark proceeds 0.66   Proceeds would be earmarked for education.
  get proceeds 0.66   Who gets the proceeds from the deal?
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