protect privacy 22.45   Can their privacy be protected?
  invade privacy 6.06   Others invade privacy.
  guard privacy 4.34   She guards her privacy.
  violate privacy 4.34   Your privacy has been violated.
  have privacy 3.49   He has no privacy.
  respect privacy 3.49   I respect their privacy.
  want privacy 2.17   They wanted privacy.
  maintain privacy 1.78   Still, Rigali tries to maintain his privacy.
  value privacy 1.58   I value privacy.
  provide privacy 1.45   The curtains on the windows provide privacy.
  ensure privacy 1.32   Any electronic information can be encrypted to ensure privacy.
  safeguard privacy 1.12   But precautions can be taken to help safeguard privacy.
  preserve privacy 1.05   He has organized his life so as to preserve privacy.
  prefer privacy 0.99   Prefer your privacy?
  cite privacy 0.92   But, citing privacy, he has disclosed no names or numbers.
  guarantee privacy 0.92   What you want are cottages where you can get guaranteed privacy.
  lose privacy 0.86   You lose your privacy in prison.
  offer privacy 0.86   They offered no privacy.
  afford privacy 0.79   The beds are in cubicles that afford limited privacy.
  insure privacy 0.79   Insure privacy.
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