personal privacy 4.61   Armey said he is concerned about personal privacy.
  online privacy 3.36   Some online privacy issues have surfaced case by case.
  medical privacy 3.03   He then defended his medical privacy.
  federal privacy 2.50   There is now no federal privacy law for health records.
  individual privacy 1.84   Even individual privacy is not maintained in using toilets.
  new privacy 1.58   The new privacy policy was issued Wednesday.
  dutch privacy 1.18   His identity was withheld under Dutch privacy.
  greater privacy 1.05   Clinton herself has been an advocate for greater privacy protections.
  financial privacy 0.99   Relatedly, it afforded the wife no financial privacy.
  patient privacy 0.92   - Patient privacy was not protected adequately.
  chief privacy 0.86   Chief privacy officers are not just for Internet companies.
  complete privacy 0.86   Lovely walled garden giving complete privacy, barbecue etc.
  genetic privacy 0.86   Twenty states have not passed a genetic privacy bill.
  strict privacy 0.86   Deliberations are conducted in strict privacy.
  relative privacy 0.59   You have also entered a zone of relative privacy.
  basic privacy 0.53   This is an invasion of a most basic privacy and the implicit condemnation is a travesty.
  electronic privacy 0.53   The public cares deeply about electronic privacy.
  strong privacy 0.53   Consumer groups are adamant on creating strong privacy protection laws.
  american privacy 0.46   One aspect of the European data law has pleased some American privacy experts.
  family privacy 0.46   Would the doctors even protect family privacy?
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