term prison 26.73   Others received prison terms.
  security prison 13.17   ...a maximum security prison.
  high-security prison 4.08   Building work has started on a high-security prison at the base.
  island prison 2.24   Meanwhile, Ocalan waits on death row in an island prison.
  life prison 1.18   If convicted they can get life prison.
  week prison 0.99   He visits his Dad in prison every week.
  medium-security prison 0.92   A wire-mesh fence topped with concertina wire surrounds the medium-security prison at Lino Lakes.
  five-year prison 0.66   Those charges carry minimum five-year prison terms.
  government prison 0.59   During the war, Delic was deputy commander of a government prison in Celebici, in southern Bosnia.
  time prison 0.59   This time prison was much worse.
  top-security prison 0.59   Cellular phones are banned in top-security prisons.
  year prison 0.59   Women give birth in prison every year.
  low-security prison 0.46   He escaped from another low-security prison last year.
  remand prison 0.46   He said Proctor was being held at the Quenstown remand prison.
  city prison 0.39   There was a mass breakout from a city center prison yesterday.
  fortress prison 0.39   Hundreds of squatters now occupy the abandoned fortress prison.
  three-year prison 0.39   The seven were given three-year prison terms.
  two-year prison 0.39   Six students had received two-year prison terms from a local court.
  youth prison 0.39   He works as a prison guard at a youth prison in Cheshire.
  eight-year prison 0.33   They claim the border crossing was accidental, but they have received eight-year prison terms.
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