parish priest 11.98   Later she told her parish priest.
  woman priest 5.66   Women priests are much more common these days.
  pedophile priest 3.36   He was a pedophile priest.
  village priest 1.12   The village priest, Don Poli, declined to comment on the mooted scheme.
  temple priest 0.72   In fact, the temple priests ate quite well.
  head priest 0.66   They were met by a man carrying a large, red parasol which he quickly raised over the head priest.
  paedophile priest 0.39   The Roman Catholic primate of Ireland, Cardinal Daly, apologised on behalf of the church to all those who had been abused by paedophile priests.
  trainee priest 0.39   In the new cases, a trainee priest was accused of sexually abusing a group of boys three decades ago.
  town priest 0.33   The town priest, who had been feared kidnapped, was found late Sunday.
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