national pride 28.57   A point of national pride.
  great pride 9.87   He has great pride.
  civic pride 6.45   Civic pride is also at stake.
  gay pride 4.41   A big gay pride signal.
  ethnic pride 3.03   He has no ethnic pride.
  wounded pride 2.30   One is the power of wounded pride.
  local pride 2.11   Local pride is also involved.
  fierce pride 1.91   He still has a fierce pride.
  personal pride 1.78   What about personal pride?
  russian pride 1.71   Russian pride is also at stake.
  special pride 1.58   He has his special pride.
  black pride 1.18   We preach black pride.
  immense pride 0.99   He bears his name with immense pride.
  injured pride 0.92   Injured pride is a sorry companion.
  obvious pride 0.92   Telling the story, she laughs with obvious pride.
  professional pride 0.92   Would afford me, my friends, much professional pride.
  american pride 0.86   American pride?
  hurt pride 0.86   There is also the matter of hurt pride.
  new pride 0.86   There is new pride and community spirit.
  quiet pride 0.86   Be happy with quiet pride.
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