crime prevention 8.03   Crime prevention.
  disease prevention 2.70   This is not only sex education but disease prevention as well.
  fire prevention 2.37   More importantly, fire prevention is a key objective.
  conflict prevention 1.71   It will mainly focus on conflict prevention.
  cancer prevention 1.65   Will cancer prevention ever come in the form of a pill?
  drug prevention 1.58   Altogether the cutbacks have taken a large bite out of drug prevention.
  violence prevention 1.32   The theme this year is violence prevention.
  suicide prevention 1.18   You could call the suicide prevention hotline.
  abuse prevention 0.79   Republicans wanted to gut child abuse prevention and foster care.
  crisis prevention 0.66   I look upon it as crisis prevention.
  disaster prevention 0.59   He spoke on disaster prevention.
  pregnancy prevention 0.59   Pregnancy prevention also saves taxpayer money, she said.
  pollution prevention 0.53   This pollution prevention, is this at smallholding?
  accident prevention 0.46   And accident prevention is the point of strict enforcement of DUI laws, Croucher said.
  flood prevention 0.46   No one wants to do away with flood prevention.
  injury prevention 0.46   Injury prevention.
  stroke prevention 0.39   And the benefits go beyond stroke prevention, Quigliani adds.
  tobacco prevention 0.39   And many have little to do with tobacco prevention or anti-smoking programs.
  alcohol prevention 0.33   The three-part program will address how to build strong families, drug and alcohol addiction prevention and moral business practices.
  diabetes prevention 0.33   It gives a lot of hope for diabetes prevention.
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