meet press 5.79   Or meeting the press.
  muzzle press 2.90   And the press is also muzzled.
  use press 1.97   Diana used the press.
  get press 1.91   I get press.
  tell press 1.84   Menem told the press Saturday.
  stop press 1.65   Stop the presses!
  brief press 1.58   He is expected to brief the press later.
  control press 1.51   The state controls the press.
  accuse press 1.38   Zyuganov also has accused the press of favoring Yeltsin.
  keep press 1.38   Press was kept out of the ceremony.
  avoid press 1.25   His wife now avoids the press.
  bar press 1.18   He barred the press from reporting their contents.
  blame press 1.18   Did he blame the press?
  address press 0.99   They shook hands after their meeting, and Clinton did not address the press.
  report press 0.99   A Chinese official has warned Hong Kong could face a water shortage in seven years, local press reported Monday.
  face press 0.92   Kenny Anderson faced the press Friday.
  handle press 0.92   He was a genius at handling the press.
  break press 0.79   He breaks the press.
  have press 0.72   And the Cardinal had no press.
  criticize press 0.59   Whelan criticized the press for continuing to write about him.
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