tabloid press 5.73   Especially the tabloid press.
  trade press 2.57   It received mixed reviews in the trade press.
  government press 1.97   Copies also went on sale at government presses in nine states.
  university press 1.97   The university press publishes academic titles.
  opposition press 1.91   An opposition press was allowed to exist.
  world press 1.84   The world press was less kind.
  business press 1.78   The business press used to have it easy.
  fashion press 1.58   The excited fashion press writes rave reviews.
  garlic press 1.18   Put the garlic through a garlic press.
  sport press 1.18   The sports press was equally gushing about the dreadlocked Dutchman.
  fullcourt press 0.92   We did a lot with the fullcourt press this year that kept us in games.
  week press 0.79   The first issue is due off the presses this week.
  music press 0.72   The music press long ago declared the movement dead.
  weekend press 0.72   The weekend press was again appalling.
  button press 0.59   One more button press dials the number.
  computer press 0.59   Doomsday scenarios have become a staple of the computer industry trade press.
  day press 0.53   Both Mallard and Pugh avoided the press all day.
  zone press 0.53   The zone press.
  cookie press 0.46   Fit the canister of a cookie press with the desired cutting disc.
  establishment press 0.39   These people looked nuts to the establishment press.
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