male preserve 1.58   Banking used to be a male preserve.
  game preserve 1.32   Finally, he could afford his dream game preserve.
  exclusive preserve 0.92   Washington appears to act as if NATO were its exclusive preserve.
  private preserve 0.92   This is a grand course, the private preserve of the auto magnates.
  apricot preserve 0.59   Drizzle with apricot preserves and orange juice.
  strawberry preserve 0.46   Six strawberry preserves follow.
  hunting preserve 0.39   That hobby was a hunting preserve.
  special preserve 0.39   Politics certainly is not the special preserve of politicians.
  animal preserve 0.33   In her effort to protect him from hunters, she takes him to the animal preserve in California.
  marine preserve 0.33   Nature Island Dive in Soufriere is in the Scotts Head Bay marine preserve.
  new preserve 0.33   Not everyone is happy about the new preserve.
  peach preserve 0.33   They have peach preserves.
  raspberry preserve 0.33   I just love that tradition and those scones with the clotted cream and the raspberry preserves.
  national preserve 0.26   It is, after all, a national preserve.
  state preserve 0.26   It is also the smallest of the three state preserves.
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